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Statistical overview of holders of pension fund units

12.01.06 Press Release of Estonian CSD

Last year, the choices and the distribution of persons who had acquired pension fund units remained similar to previous periods; however, the volume of supplementary funded pension increased dramatically. The names of several II and III pillar pension funds also changed compared to the beginning of the year.

The volume of the supplementary funded pension (III pillar) set a record last year, increasing from MEEK 186.86 to MEEK 452.64. As regards the supplementary funded pension, as of the end of 2005, Hansa Pension Funds V3 has the largest number of holders (4955 unit holders), followed by Hansa Pension Funds V2 (2751 holders unit) and the Balanced Pension Fund of SEB Ühispank (2638 unit holders).

By the end of 2005, the number of persons who had acquired mandatory funded pension units (II pillar) had increased to 481,271 people, compared to 424,835 unit holders at the end of 2004. The total funded pension volume in Estonia increased from MEEK 2482 to MEEK 4652 during the last year.

The average income of the people who had acquired the pension fund units had increased to EEK 8353 (an increase of 10%), while 81% of the people earned their income from salary. The EPI index that reflects the average productivity of pension funds increased 11.5% — to 135.56 points during the year.

Persons earning a higher average income continue to prefer the LHV World Equities pension fund which employs a progressive investment strategy. The average gross income of these people amounted to EEK 10,221 a month in 2005 according to the Tax and Customs Board. It is followed by Mandatory Pension Fund Sampo Pension 50 (average salary EEK 9751) and the pension fund LHV New Markets (average salary EEK 9600). The Hansa Pension Fund K3 can boast the largest number of investors (174,953), of whom 78% earn their income from salary (average salary EEK 8629).

The highest share of salaried employees is found in the pension fund LHV Balanced Strategy — 89.4%. The lowest share of salaried employees is in the pension fund LHV Dynamic Bonds (69.1%).

The names of some pension funds changed at the beginning of the year. Thus, the new names of the merged LHV-Seesam Varahalduse II pillar pension funds are: Pension Fund LHV Dynamic Bonds, Pension Fund LHV World Equities, Pension Fund LHV Quality Funds, Pension Fund LHV Balances Strategy and Pension Fund LHV New Markets. The names of the II pillar pension funds of SEB Eesti Ühispank are: SEB Ühispank Pension Fund Conservative and SEB Ühispank Pension Fund Progressive and the names of the III pillar pension funds are SEB Ühispank Pension Fund Balanced and SEB Ühispank Pension Fund Active.

Detailed information about funded pension can be found at the homepage of Pensionikeskus: www.pensionikeskus.ee The Estonian Central Register of Securities keeps account of the people who have acquired pension fund units.