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In the previous year the monthly gross wages and salaries were 6,723 kroons
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Investments of pension funds in CEE countries

NB! Information of supplementary funded pension (III pillar)


NB! Starting from September 15, 2017 information of pension III pillar will not be accessible to private individuals from the e-Registry (https://ereg.nasdaqcsd.com/SecureWeb/).

Pension III pillar information can be obtained from your bank:

  • Nordea Bank AB Eesti filiaal,
  • AS SEB Pank,
  • AS Swedbank,
  • AS LHV Pank,
  • Danske Bank A/S Eesti filiaal,
  • AS Eesti Krediidipank.

Please contact the bank if you have questions about your III pillar pension funds.

The amendment is related to the accession of the Estonian Securities Register to the pan-European system Target2-Securities (T2S). III pillar securities are not traded in T2S and therefore they can’t be displayed in the e-Register. Data on the III pillar funds was transferred from the Nasdaq CSD Estonian Branch (formerly Estonian Central Securities Depository) to the AS Pensionikeskus.

Information is also available from AS Pensionikeskus, if you send a query with digital signature to info@pensionikeskus.ee.

We apologize for any inconvenience!

AS Pensionikesus