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Funded pension system receives 21 million EUR in Q1

02.04.04 Estonian CSD press release

Funded pension system funds received 21 million EUR in payments during the first quarter 2004, which increased the total volume of 2nd pillar funds to 85 million EUR. The day record of money transferred to pension funds was on March 17, when 2.2 million EUR was carried over.

Some 6375 people subscribed to the funded pension system in Q1. The total number of people in the system was 359,551 as of March 31. The fund was drawn to 535 people, i.e. to the mandatory subsribers who did not make the choice.

The EPI index, which reflects the return on pension funds, grew by 13% in three months to 114.55 as of March 31. The highest return or 116 points was for EPI-50, the index which includes the most aggressive funds.

More information can be found at www.pensionikeskus.ee

Additional information:

Eva Palu
Communications Manager
Tallinn Stock Exchange / Estonian CSD

HEX Tallinn
Pärnu mnt. 12, Tallinn 10148
tel. 372 6 408 800, fax 372 6 408 801
e-mail: eva.palu@hex.ee