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207,200 people have joined funded pension system


According to Estonian CSD final data 207,200 people joined the funded pension system by October 31. 170,145 of them will start making contributions to funded pension as of January 1, 2003.

The remaining 37,055 joined to funded pension before June 1 and started making contributions already on July 1.

“The number of people who joined exceeded our expectations considerably,” said Kaidi Oone, Managing Director of Estonian CSD.

The number of people to join the system grew considerably on last days of October. Altogether 22,120 people joined on the last day or October 31, among them 2,559 people during the peak hour or 15:00 – 16:00.

Market share by fund managers:

  • Hansa Investeerimisfondid 50.5%
  • Ühispanga Varahaldus 28.3%
  • Sampo Varahaldus 14.5%
  • Ergo Varahaldus 3.3%
  • Seesam Varahaldus 1.9%
  • LHV Varahaldus 1.5%

Market share by funds:

  • Eesti Ühispanga Pensionifond Konservatiivne 6.5%
  • Eesti Ühispanga Pensionifond Progressiivne 21.8%
  • Ergo Rahulik Pensionifond 1.1%
  • Ergo Tuleviku Pensionifond 2.3%
  • Hansa Pensionifond K1 (konservatiivne strateegia) 6.2%
  • Hansa Pensionifond K2 (tasakaalustatud strateegia) 18.7%
  • Hansa Pensionifond K3 (kasvustrateegia) 25.6%
  • Kohustusliku Pensionifondi Sampo Pension 25 0.4%
  • Kohustusliku Pensionifondi Sampo Pension 50 2.8%
  • Kohustusliku Pensionifondi Sampo Pension Intress 11.2%
  • LHV Aktsiapensionifond 1.2%
  • LHV Intressipensionifond 0.3%
  • Seesami Kasvu Pensionifond 0.8%
  • Seesami Optimaalne Pensionifond 0.7%
  • Seesami Võlakirjade Pensionifond 0.4%

On October 31, visitor traffic of funded pension homepage at www.pensionikeskus.ee broke records with 50,966 pageviews, compared to 48,425 pageviews on October 30. The peak hour was between 14:00 and 15:00 when the maximum number of visits totalled 21,669. The highest rate of hits got the subscription query on the opening page and page providing information on pension funds.