The national pension
The national pension procures minimum pension to those persons who are not entitled to the pension depending on the work contribution. The amount of the national pension is since 01.04.2023 336.39 EUR.
The following persons have the right to receive national pension:
- permanent residents of Estonia,
- aliens residing in Estonia on the basis of temporary residence permits or temporary right of residence.
A precondition for receiving the national pension if they have attained the pensionable age, have lived in Estonia for at least five years before applying for the pension and do not have the pension qualifying period required for the old-age pension.
You are also entitled to the national pension in the case of the loss of the provider, if the following requirements are met:
- The deceased family member did not have the pension qualifying period required for the pension application;
- The deceased family member lived in Estonia for at least one year preceding the pension application.
National pension is not paid to persons who receive pension from another state.
To apply for the national pension one should contact: